John William Bocquet

John Bocquet


Wiki Contribution Hub

John William Bocquet: The True Son of Dudley T. Dougherty, Beeville, TX:

DOB: August 27, 1964

This is a publicly-sourced, web-based collaborative platform that enables users to store and modify content in an organized manner with regard to John Bocquet (Doughty). There is additional regard to Rockin' M employee Kolten Motes, and devastation of property at 11220 Indian Trail Helotes, TX  for absolute personal gain.

Information represented here to date, from participants, county and district courts in the U.S. (and pending satisfaction of multiple remaining open records requests), illustrate the strong distinction that Mr. Bocquet's "business", as he referred to his practice,  is morally ambiguous, and those that participate are subject to great financial loss. 

The reason John Bocquet (Dougherty) sought to destroy multiple real property he does not have interest in stems from the actions of his father, Dudley T. Dougherty.  He comes from a line of family that prey on rural populations in times of hardship. The acts are entirely intentional, especially with distinct, prior knowledge of said hardship or immanent financial default. The actions and services, whether desired or not, were rendered - even forced - and recipients are penalized for failing to see through the scheming until it is too late. 

Mr. Bocquet refuses to contribute to this wiki, correspond over the phone, text or even encrypted Signal transmission - and is often "blocked" as mentioned in previous conversation.


Rockin' M business owner Kolten Motes,  managed by John Bocquet (Dougherty), bulldozed across 144 acres in absolute trespass along Texas State Park property. The once wooded forests were sanctuary to wildlife. Officials in the neighboring state park are very much willing to assist to make recompense to the rightful inhabitants for loss and injury.

Along the entire fence line shared with Government Canyon State Park, the destruction of old and timeless Oak trees, rock formations, and beautiful views cannot be undone. The ground is not only soured, it is now fully exposed and vulnerable to the Oak Wilt infestation, as evidenced on the neighboring properties.

Kolten Motes, with wife, Taylor Baliff, were discovered firing high-powered rifles into the state park,  towards its visitors and also the homes in Helotes Ranch Acres neighborhood. This put state park attendees and direct neighbors in danger. When informed of trespass on private property, there was mention that said notification "created a predicament." (see video below)

As an act of revenge, John Bocquet (Dougherty) gave authorization to Rockin' M business owner Kolten Motes to devastate the land. This was without regard for the its Specific Use, the generations of family's use, and property rights of the owners. John Bocquet (Dougherty) purposely diminished the value of the property as an act of revenge and to devalue the land for his own purpose.

On discovery of said destruction in progress, John Bocquet (Dougherty) and Kolten Motes immediately attempted to flee the scene. John Bocquet (Dougherty) struck another man in the video with his vehicle and then abandoned Kolten Motes entirely, in attempts to fee from the sheriff. Kolten Motes, too obese to flee in a timely manner, was on site when the Bexar County sheriff arrived. Mr. Bocuqet returned 
 later in the evening. 

The land owners, where forest was, now have a (60') wide grated swath of destruction through an (144) acre plat with four (proposed) plots along the fence shared with the state park. 

It should be noted that all stakeholders, maintain undivided interest over the entire (144) acres and John Bocquet (Dougherty) is not a stakeholder, landowner, or a family member.

These videos exemplify a small part of the larger devastation along the bordering fence with a State Park and across (11) landowners' legacies.

(Opinion) All that John Bocquet (Dougherty) has destroyed was once a beautiful place, experienced and maintained by four generations of family. It is truly unfortunate there is not a machine in existence that can un-bulldoze said destruction. Perhaps he thought he would rent the wildlife sanctuary to hunters? Perhaps he thought he would make money by destroying and devaluing land? It is truly a mystery what dunderheaded ignoration was driving these acts.

John Bocquet (Dougherty) & Kolten Motes - Tresspass & Land Devastation

John Bocquet (Dougherty),  Bastard Son & Excrement of Extra-Marital Affair

Birthright: John Bocquet (Dougherty)'s DNA will indicate he is the son of a Dudley T. Dougherty of Beeville, TX and is not true family of Bocquet & Beechie - in name only.

The extra-marital affair and activity between Myrtle Nell Rosebrock Bocquet and Dudley T. Dougherty was disclosed during a meeting at Beeville Country Club.

Myrtle Mckinney Rosebrock (grandmother), was in attendance with Myrtle Nell Rosebrock Bocquet and Dudley T. Dougherty. The option of divorce from Robert Bocquet was strongly forbidden.

Two siblings, Johnye Jamison and Jane Pugh Jamison, not in attendance at the meeting and informed of the extra-marital affair, counseled Myrtle Nell Rosebrock Bocquet on the importance of staying married to Robert Bocquet for the sake of the child, and to honor the Catholic church doctrine.

There was no love between Myrtle Nell Rosebrock Bocque and Robert Bocquet. In fact, Myrtle Nell Rosebrock Bocquet did not share a bedroom with her husband. She instead slept upstairs in her bastard son's room.

John Bocquet (Dougherty) does share the name of a single, deceased member of the family, but the land is in trust and belongs to his mommy.

John Bocquet (Dougherty) - Happiness in Freeloading & Destruction

John Bocquet (Dougherty),  Personal Gain & Financial Consequence to Others

John Bocquet (Dougherty) is person that makes his way through life through litigation: against his only sibling (sister), his former employers, and his aunt.

1.  John Bocquet (Dougherty) gun-whipped his father and had Robert Bocquet jailed to expedite his potential inheritance, and acquisition of land, farming equipment, and his father's life-long accomplishments and wealth.

2.  Johnye Rosebrock Jamison and Jane Rose Brock Pugh accepted a call from Myrtle Nell Rosebrock Bocquet admitting to and confirming the current and past (all) abuse against Robert Bocquet from her and her son. Before the death of Myrtle Mckinney Rosebrock (grandmother), John Bocquet (Dougherty) conned her for $30,000.  His mother, Myrtle Nell Rosebrock Bocquet, protected him, concealed the theft, and earned a lesser inheritance than her seven other siblings, as a result.

  John Bocquet (Dougherty) filed suit against his sister, (John Bocquet vs Laura Bocquet). Laura Bocquet’s children were also named in the suit. He sought full control of their goats.

4.  John Bocquet (Dougherty) was employed with a [motorhome rental company], and was sued by his employer for theft. 

5.  John Bocquet (Dougherty) conned and collected money from those that trusted him, along with family members  - many thousands of dollars. When the RV company hoax was uncovered, he swindled the same persons again for the legal authority to fight on their behalf, resulting in an even greater financial scheme to defraud. 

6.  John Bocquet (Dougherty) verbally and physically abused his ex-wife and step daughter [disturbing detail omitted]

7.  John Bocquet (Dougherty) fired a high-powered rifle on children exploring a neighboring property he had recently acquired through financial default and auction. (The previous owners were unable hold on to the property in times of hardship with the county. John took it upon himself to ensure the county was notified in a timely manner and did all in his power to win at auction) Police were later called to his residence after he was reported to have fired multiple rounds towards children on the property.  (pending receipt of open records)

8.  [Anonymous Submission] John Bocquet (Dougherty) - Riverfront property, inherited through deceased family member, was split into sections. [Anonymous] was hired to bulldoze and clear along property lines for the purpose of local leasing to hunters. [Anonymous] performed the action,  while John Bocquet was out of country. The bulldozing of property was not agreed upon between landowners (family members) prior to leaving the country. Claims for the work performed went ignored, and were met shortly after with threats of litigation from John Bocquet (Dougherty). [Anonymous] almost went bankrupt from the amount of clearing performed,  resources used in the process, and duration of work.

9.. Robert Bocquet, illegitimate father of John Bocquet (Dougherty) -  (name only) - placed his niece as executor of his granddaughters’ college funds. Complete control of the funds by a family member outside of the immediate household was necessary, due to the greed and extreme desire for his estate and wealth. John's mother and son filed suit against "neice" for control of said assets. Represented by Bethune | Enright, Bar Card Number: 24082964, 117 N Washington St. Beeville, TX 78102-4508, the case was entirely squandered in favor of the Bocquets.
Jonathan Enright has yet to respond to email inquiries sent May 11th & 16th, 2022.


Such behavior, and lack of integrity, exemplifies the character of John Bocquet (Dougherty), and further prevented any sort of trust from Robert Bocquet and financial matters.

(Opinion) Beeville is a small town with great influence by certain parties on legal matters. Whether this firm chose to willingly act outside of the highest degree of loyalty and honesty in their fiduciary duty parties outside of the Bocquet family remains to be determined.

(Opinion) John Bocquet (Dougherty) is perceived as a freeloader and fodder without use by his family.

(Opinion) As exemplified with decisions in the following videos, John Bocquet (Dougherty) maintains the perception of an obsequious, parasitic wealth-seeking leech.

Destruction of Family Land & Rockin' M Operators Firing Guns into a State Park